image by Vaneyck Otoki

Data Rights + Governance Design Work


Data Governance Mandates +

Best Practice Guidance

With an exceptional team, assembled by DataReady, I helped the World Health Organization frame its data governance authorities and publish best practice principles and guidelines amidst the COVID-19 pandemic


Designing Contextual Data Governance

Meedan is doing some of the most fascinating work, building regional civil society networks focused on contextualizing social media content through its product, Check. I help them with the legal and strategic design of the data governance of those relationships.

Patient-Led Digital Rights

I supported the team at The Light Collective in strategically negotiating for digital rights for patients, including guides for advocates to negotiate digital rights for themselves.


Negotiating Fairer Digital Courts

I supported the National Center for State Courts in developing guidance for court systems negotiating digital services contracts.

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From Privacy to Proactive Governance

I supported the Mozilla Foundation leadership’s exploration of the strategic potential of data governance markets - with a specific focus on building actionable, impact-focused interventions and infrastructure. More here: blog post + longer report

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Governing a Digital Circular Economy

I worked with Bianca Wylie and the team at Guelph-Wellington to provide governance design expertise and support for their successful $10m Smart Cities Challenge proposal. Read more here.

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Governing the Fisheries Data

I worked with Bianca Wylie, Vass Bednar, Kate Wing, and a brilliant group of participants to help a public interest regulator engage with the digital transformation of the industry it oversees. We produced a context-specific report and a resource guide designed to translate relationships into data governance agreements.


With support from the Minderoo Foundation’s Frontier Technology Initiative, I wrote an analysis of how to frame strategic impact litigation focused on digital rights. It discusses the structural factors involved in changing digital norms and enforcing judgments beyond fines. It recommends focusing on private rights of action, jurisdictions with significant fixed investments, and (broadly construed) injunctive relief. You can read a pre-print here.